“Appreciation for Moderating the Panel”
“I wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for moderating the panel… You did a fine job of directing the questions and also working with the audience…”
– Thomas R. Sheforgen, Executive VP, Wisconsin Wholesaler’s Beer Association
“Entertainment and Enjoyment with his Practical Guidelines”
“I contacted Ben Merens to present a seminar titled “The Art of Interviewing” to GE Healthcare’s TIP-TV scriptwriters, on-screen presenters and video production crew… Ben… took the time to help individual members of the audience work through unique problems and challenges. He incorporated role plays, elicited suggestions and input from the group and ended up providing tangible ways in which specific difficult situations could be handled… I would recommend Ben Merens to anyone interested in interviewing, scriptwriting, and listening workshops and/or seminars – or any communications topic. He is an engaging speaker who weaves in much entertainment and enjoyment with his practical guidelines.”