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Today’s Listening Tip

Getting a grip on your fears means making your dreams a priority and listening to them. 5-8-15

Today’s Listening Tip

Each day we live speaks to us, if we are only willing to be present and listen. 5-7-15

Today’s Listening Tip

A good conversation has stories, interest on both sides and no chartered course. 5-6-15

The First Rule To Managing Conflict

Respond don’t react! This is the first rule of managing conflict at work, home or play. I speak as a certified conflict management trainer. Now there are many other steps to managing conflict and I’ll write about them in future days. But to get started, all any of us needs to do when conflict happens (and we all know that it will happen) is to pause (the first step to responding) and take a breath….Continue Reading »

50 Year Old Guys 10-Point Survival Guide

  Pee (often…always do this first…before car rides; meetings; even sex; as we age…our bladder is our number one concern. Drink lots of water – it’s a basic (and helps with #1) but many of us don’t do this. Some coffee to start the day is fine…and maybe an occasional soda (and an evening alcoholic beverage) but the key to good health is staying hydrated – water is still best for this (not sports drinks…Continue Reading »

Today’s Listening Tip

Let your best self be heard often and your worst self talk privately with you whenever necessary. 5-5-15

Can we have a little silence here?

The world’s best computer is sitting atop your shoulders. Maybe it’s time to allow it to work at full strength–unimpeded by the “noises” that surround and distract us every day. However, silence seems to be harder and harder to find these days. Our cars have become living rooms with wheels, complete with surround sound systems. Our homes usually have a television going or at least a “smart” device calling out to us that someone else…Continue Reading »

Today’s Listening Tip

Puzzled on where to go or what to do next…the best course of action is listening to yourself…and know the decisions will show themselves.