The key to managing any form of conflict is communication. And, when it comes to caring for the elderly – especially those with any degree of dementia – this key is hard to attain.
But the caregiving “angels” whose life work revolves around elder caregiving are gathering next week in the Wisconsin Dells for the 29th Annual Wisconsin Network Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.
I am privileged to be presenting a workshop entitled, “Empathic Listening: Key to Personal Connections.”
I will spell out some details of my presentation next week but it will revolve around the idea that we can make a major difference by the simple act of sitting still and listening to another – no matter how communicationally-challenged they may be.
A great listener’s biggest challenge often is simply sitting still and sitting quietly with another.
Stay tuned – more to come about this conference and my message there next week.